Hello to all my readers--past, present, and future! If you haven't noticed, I've upgraded my location just a bit. No longer a tribute to E.E. Cummings Maggie and Millie and Mollie and Mae, no longer a tribute to J.M. Barrie's Peter Pan, and no longer a dedication to the desire to be "Far Away," as was implied by I Will Live my Life as a Lobsterman's Wife. To those future readers, feel free to browse my previous writings, keeping in mind that they date from six years back. I am now, as we can see, a touch more sophisticated.
Here is my goal: I want to open my own dyslexia center that charges little to no money for instruction in the south side of Chicago. While I believe that to be truly literate in at least one language is a skill that is worth $10,000, I have no intention of requiring students to have money to be in the "literacy club." I believe that everyone should be given equal opportunities, regardless of race, socio-economic status, or diagnosis (or lack thereof). I believe that all children can learn to read. I believe that a fun and safe environment can build motivation and increase confidence. I believe that not all children may love to read, but all children can find a way to make it easier. I believe that I can help students make reading easier so that they can learn to change the world.
In this blog, I will do two things. First, I will post with tips and ideas that I've learned in my classes at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. As we say in our classes, what we leave what we say but take what we learn. Second, I will spend some time reviewing various children and young adult books, to help parents find the perfect book for their child that will keep them involved in the words and story. As we all know, motivation is the first hurdle. I will, of course, also keep the world updated as to the status of my emerging business.
In closing, I do have to note the changes in my life for those who have been with me since the start of "Lobsterman's Wife." At Harvard, I have been given a new label, one that I never thought would apply to me. I am an entrepreneur. An innovator. A future business woman. These words are new to me, to my identity, and my sense of self, but I am embracing every facet of those words. I am learning what each implies, and where they will take me. I love being in class at the moment, but I am even more excited for May, when I can truly start work on The ReadEasy. Keep in touch. If anyone would like to collaborate, donate to my future business, or just find out more information about me or my goals, send me an email at lrogden@thereadeasy.com. I look forward to hearing from anyone and everyone!